Buy shipping containers for as low as $1,350.00! CALL US TODAY! (888) 977-9085
Rent shipping containers for as low as $95.00 a month. CALL US TODAY! (888) 977-9085
Rent-To-Own Shipping containers for as low as $79.99 a month. CALL US TODAY! (888) 977-9085
Shop with assurance as we offer a satisfaction guarantee. We understand that it’s difficult to tell what you’re getting until it arrives, so if for any reason your purchase doesn’t meet your expectations, just let us know within the day of the delivery and we’ll provide you with a full refund minus the container shipping fee. We want to make sure that you never have second thoughts about shopping with us.
At On-Site Storage Solutions, we believe in complete customer satisfaction, so when you shop with us know that we’re here for every step of your journey – from picking out the perfect product through to getting your full refund if needed! Shop stress-free and enjoy satisfaction guaranteed today!
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